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I C R O   W E D D I N G S 

W H E R E    R E A L    I N T I M A C Y    B E G I N S. . . . . 

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Micro Wedding 

" I specialise in registry office wedding photography and small / micro wedding photography. 


As a portrait specialist, I prefer to shoot smaller weddings because they allow me to capture more intimate and candid moments. Guests are more relaxed, and the atmosphere tends to be more serene. A small wedding gives you the chance to save money and enjoy a personal celebration. 


I enjoy the intimacy of micro weddings, which are less hassle and focus on cherishing the moment. For those who don't have a large budget, I want to cater to your needs. Small weddings are typically considered to have a maximum of 60 people. 

                     I N V E S T M E N T 



Hiring a professional photographer for your wedding day is an investment. Although you may have a small budget, having beautiful timeless photographs of your special day is priceless. The quality, professionalism, creativity and attention to detail is worth every penny  







The  process 

W E L C O M E     G I F T 

U N L I M I T E D   C O N S U L T A T I O N 

W E D D I N G    D A Y

3 0  D A Y S   T U R N O V E R 

O N L I N E  G A L L E R Y +
P R I N T E D  I M A G E S   


W E L C O M E   G I F T 

A box of special sweet treats, to congratulate you for choosing me.  


U N L I M I T E D  C O N S U L T A T I O N 

From the very first email to your wedding day we are available 24/7 via email. 

If you are anxious, having trouble sleeping and worried about your special day in regards to photography. Email us !! 


M I C R O   W E D D I N G     D A Y 

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